The word hypertext markup language comprises the words “hypertext” and “markup language”. The term "hypertext" refers to the linking of text with other documents and “markup language” refers to a language that uses a set of tags. So, HTML is the linking of text with other documents using some set of tags.
1) HTML is an initialism for "HyperText Markup Language".
2) It is the language of the web.
3) It is used to create websites.
4) It is used to define a page layout, meaning it is a barebone page structure.
5) HTML is used for making pages of the website also called webpages that we see on the internet
6) It consists of a set of tags.
7) This set of tags is interpreted by web browsers.
8) This set of tags
is written in HTML Document.
9) It is case-insensitive.
10) ".html" or ".htm" is the extension.
11) There are so many versions of HTML but HTML5 is the latest version.
NOTE: These are the five must-use tags for HTML <!DOCTYPE html>, <html>, <head>, <title>, <body>
The most widely used attribute is core attributes. There are 4 types of core attributes:
There are three types of internationalization attributes i.e. dir, lang, xml:lang
Generic attributes include various attributes which are mostly used. Some common generic attributes are:
HTML Link uses two attributes
HTML Comments
To represent HTML pages beautifully and to explain content, we use images for that. Our ability to comprehend complex things is aided by visual representations to do that we use images.
<img> tag uses the height or width
attribute to set the height or width of an image. Values for height or width attribute must be in pixel or percentage and value should be placed in double quotes otherwise we can see an error.
Our day-to-day lives revolve around lists. For example, We purchase items while shopping. A list of all our items is included on the bill we receive from the shopkeeper. Similarly, web developers use lists to display the data.
HTML lists are used to display the data in an ordered and unordered form. List contains one or more list elements. The HTML list is of three types: