
The word hypertext markup language comprises the words “hypertext” and “markup language”. The term "hypertext" refers to the linking of text with other documents and “markup language” refers to a language that uses a set of tags. So, HTML is the linking of text with other documents using some set of tags.


1) HTML is an initialism for "HyperText Markup Language".
2) It is the language of the web.
3) It is used to create websites.
4) It is used to define a page layout, meaning it is a barebone page structure.
5) HTML is used for making pages of the website also called webpages that we see on the internet
6) It consists of a set of tags.
7) This set of tags is interpreted by web browsers.
8) This set of tags is written in HTML Document.
9) It is case-insensitive.
10) ".html" or ".htm" is the extension.
11) There are so many versions of HTML but HTML5 is the latest version.

  1. starter template
    starter template

    NOTE: These are the five must-use tags for HTML <!DOCTYPE html>, <html>, <head>, <title>, <body>

    The <!DOCTYPE> declaration tag is used by the web browser to understand the version of the HTML used in the document. The current version is 5 i.e. HTML 5.

    The <html> tag is the root of an HTML page.
    The </html> tag is closing of <html> tag. Every HTML page needs at least these 8 lines to define a layout of a page.

    The <head> tag contains page metadata.
    The </head> tag is closing of <head> tag.

    The <title> tag contains the title of a page and is shown in the browser title bar.

    <body> tag is the main tag of HTML. It contains the main body of the page and is shown in the white part of the browser.
    The </body> tag is closing of <body> tag.
                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html lang="en">
                            <meta charset="UTF-8">
                            <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
                            <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  2. Heading tags

                        //heading content

                                    //heading content

                                    //heading content

                                    //heading content

                //heading content

                                            //heading content
  3. <p> tag: “defines a paragraph on an HTML page”
            <p>              </p>
  4. <br /> tag: “used to break two lines or paragraph on an HTML page”
            <br />
  5. <hr /> tag: “defines a horizontal line on an HTML page”
            <hr />
  6. HTML Attributes
    HTML Attributes

    It is used to define the characteristics of an HTML element.
    It is placed in the opening tag of the HTML element.
    All attributes are made up of two parts: Name and Value.

    Name: It is used to set the property for that element.

    Value: It is used to set the value of that property for that element.

    There are three types of HTML attributes:
    1) Core Attributes
    2) Internationalization Attributes
    3) Generic Attributes
  7. HTML Core Attributes
    HTML Core Attributes

    The most widely used attribute is core attributes. There are 4 types of core attributes:

    • Id
    • Class
    • Title
    • Style

    This is the most widely used attribute. The id attribute is used to give a unique id to an HTML element. Each element in HTML with an id attribute has its own unique identity, just as each of us has our own unique identity. Multiple elements can’t share the same id.

    The class attribute is used to specify a class to an HTML element. It is not unique like the id attribute. Multiple elements can share the same class. It is used to associate an element with a stylesheet, JS.

    The id attribute is used to give a title to an HTML element. When the HTML element is loading, a tooltip of the cursor comes and shows the written title.

    The style attribute is used to give styling to an HTML element. It is a property of CSS (Cascading Style Sheet). It is mainly used by the CSS. It is the inline property of an element. In CSS, if we want to style within an HTML element we use the style attribute in inline of an HTML element.